Friday 27 February 2009

Jack Vettriano Along Came A Spider

Jack Vettriano Along Came A Spider
ways that affect appetite and fat distribution.
“My hunch is that women are more likely to smoke for weight control, especially in adolescence,” said Sherry Pagoto, assistant professor in clinical psychology at the University of Massachusetts Medical School. “When people do quit smoking, one of the reasons they gain weight is that they increase their consumption of foods. They’ll start snacking at the times they used to smoke.”
Jack Vettriano Yesterday's DreamsJack Vettriano Union JackJack Vettriano The Temptress
Eat healthier. Exercise twice a week. Read more books. Lose weight. We make the same resolutions every year, but why is following through such a challenge?
If Jim Novetta could change something in his life, he'd stop smoking. He's tried several times but failed.
"After doing it so long, you look forward to your next cigarette," said the 42-year-old Everett man. The longest he's lasted without a cigarette? Three days. "My challenge is myself."
For most of us, the New Year is synonymous with change. We use today as a benchmark to usher in a list of lofty resolutions. Pay off debt. Spend less. Work out. Lose weight.Yet most of us fail, petering out after only a few days or, at best, weeks

Wednesday 25 February 2009


Thomas Kinkade PARIS EIFFEL TOWERThomas Kinkade Hometown PrideThomas Kinkade HOMETOWN EVENINGThomas Kinkade HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS
arcane process that froze the light, that passed through them: or something like that, anyway. Rincewind often suspected that there was something, somewhere, that was better than magic. He was usually disappointed.
However, he soon took every opportunity to operate the box. Twoflower was only too pleased to allow this, since that enabled the little man to appear in his own pictures. It was at this point that Rincewind noticed run out of pink."
A hitherto unnoticed door opened in front of his eyes. A small, green and hideously warty humanoid figure leaned out, pointed at a colour-encrusted palette in one clawed hand, and screamed at him. "No pink, See?" screeched the homunculus. "No good you going on pressing the lever when there's no pink, is there? If you wanted pink you shouldn't of took all those pictures something strange. Possession of the box conferred a kind of power on the wielder which was that anyone, confronted with the hypnotic glass eye, would submissively obey the most peremptory orders about stance and expression.It was while he was thus engaged in the Plaza of Broken Moons that disaster struck. Twoflower had posed alongside a bewildered charm-seller, his crowd of new-found admirers watching him with interest in case he did lunatic.Rincewind got down on one knee, the better to arrange the picture, and pressed the enchanted lever.The box said, "It's no good. I’ve

Monday 23 February 2009

Rene Magritte Homesickness

Rene Magritte HomesicknessArthur Hughes PhyllisFranz Marc Zwei KatzenFranz Marc yellow cow
Spend some quality time on your own and reflect on your goals in all areas of your life – short, medium and long term. Write these down – you increase your chances of materialising them, once written down. Be very specific, take regular action. Start today and if possible, start right away. Take that first step – you will immediately generate a lot of enthusiasm & confidence in this and other areas of your life. Do not wait around to be inspired – just get on with doing thinand as descriptive as you can.2. Write down your three main gols in big bold letters and hang up next to your bedside, in the kitchen, by your pc, etc. Having them visible like this keeps in the forefront of your mind exactly what you need to achieve by when, and what you must do to make it happen.3. Identify quickly the key steps in the first three months of 2009 to move you towards your goals. Make the steps realistic for the time frame, but ones that stretch you at the same time. Track your progress on a regular basis, maybe on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.4. Create an action plan and gs, even if it is a small step and that will lead to further steps.

Sunday 22 February 2009

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal Son

Rembrandt The Return of the Prodigal SonRembrandt rembrandt nightwatch paintingRaphael The Sistine MadonnaWilliam Bouguereau Biblis
felt faint, dizzy, sick, disgusted, limp with shock.
One of the men was holding Pantalaimon.
He had seized Lyra's daemon in his human hands, and poor Pan was shaking, nearly out of his mind with horror and disgust. His wildcat shape, his fur now dull with weakness, now sparking glints of anbaric alarm..."The one the Samoyed hunters..."
"You don't suppose she...the daemons..."
"Could well be. But not on her own, surely?"
"Should we tell-"He curved toward his Lyra as she reached with both hands for him....They fell still. They were captured.She felt those hands....It wasn't allowed....Not supposed to touch... Wrong...."Was she on her own?"A man was peering into the ceiling space."Seems to be on her own....""Who is she?""The new child."

Friday 20 February 2009

Andy Warhol Buttons

Andy Warhol ButtonsAndy Warhol Basket of FlowersNicolas De Stael Sky in Honfleur
commuters with more passengers being attracted there.
Warrington Bank Quay is believed to be the first in the country to put up such signs.
In the film Brief Encounter, which was filmed at Carnforth station in Lancashire, the doomed lovers played by Johnson and Howard, say their final goodbye at a railway station.
The no kissing signs are part of the £650,000 station refurbishment funded by Virgin Trains, network Rail, the Northwest Regional Development Agency and the Department for Transport.
They are working in partnership with Warrington Borough Council's Ruth Sargeant, 38, who uses the station to travel to Manchester, said: "It's ridiculous. I don't see the point of having a no-kissing area, surely people are entitled to say their goodbyes."And Tom Hall, 25, another commuter, said: "It's daft. What are they going to do if they catch couples kissing, fine them?"

Wednesday 18 February 2009

Thomas Gainsborough Evening Landscape Peasants and Mounted Figures

Thomas Gainsborough Evening Landscape Peasants and Mounted FiguresThomas Gainsborough Conversation in a ParkSandro Botticelli Madonna with the Child
in an office told them that they could find the bear off duty at six, but they'd have to be quick, because he usually went straight to the yard behind Einarsson's Bar, where they gave him drink.
Then Farder Coram took Lyra to the best outfitter's in town and bought her some proper cold-weather clothing. They reindeer's forelegs, because that is extra tough, and the boots were soled with the skin of the bearded seal, which is as tough as walrus hide, but lighter. Finally they bought a waterproof cape that enveloped her completely, made of semitransparent seal intestine.
With all that on, and a silk muffler around her neck and a woollen cap over her ears and the big hood pulled forward, she was uncomfortably warm; but they were going to much colder regions than this.bought a parka made of reindeer skin, because reindeer hair is hollow and insulates well; and the hood was lined with wolverine fur, because that sheds the ice that forms when you breathe. They bought underclothing and boot liners of reindeer calf skin, and silk gloves to go inside big fur mittens. The boots and mittens were made of skin from the

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Winslow Homer Rowing Home

Winslow Homer Rowing HomeWinslow Homer Kissing the MoonWinslow Homer Gloucester Harbor
. There are risks and you have to have something special. Your success is in your own hands so this is a popular route for people who have developed a skill and want to strike out on their own. 4. Develop property. Buying, the property market. However, in the long term this remains a proven way to . 5. Build a portfolio of stocks and shares. If you can make steady in stocks over a long period, choose wisely and reinvest the dividends then you can build a large store of . Of course stocks can go down as well as up and many small investors lose heart when their portfolio plunges. But over the long-term equities are as good an as property and much more developing and selling property is a well-established way to build a significant capital position. One of the key elements is that by borrowing money you can gain leverage on your Say you borrow $200,000 and put in $50,000 of your own to buy a property for $250,000. Then you develop the property and sell it for $400,000. The property has increased in value by 60% but your $50,000 has now grown fourfold to $200,000. You have to select the right properties in the right areas and develop them wisely. You are at risk from booms and busts in

Monday 16 February 2009

John Constable Weymouth Bay

John Constable Weymouth BayJohn William Waterhouse Destiny 1900John William Waterhouse The Siren
each coffin, Lyra was interested to see, a brass plaque bore a picture of a different being: this one a basilisk, this a serpent, this a monkey. She realized that they were images of the dead men's daemons. As people became adult they found a passage lined with stone shelves. Each shelf was partitioned off into square sections, and in each section rested a skull.
Roger's daemon, tail tucked firmly between her legs, shivered against him and gave a little quiet howl.
"Hush," he said.
Lyra couldn't see Pantalaimon, but she knew his moth form, their daemons lost the power to change and assumed one shape, keeping it permanently."These coffins' ve got skeletons in "em!" whispered Roger."Moldering flesh," whispered Lyra. "And worms and maggots all twisting about in their eye sockets.""Must be ghosts down here," said Roger, shivering pleasantly.Beyond the first crypt

Friday 13 February 2009

Rembrandt The Holy Family with Angels

Rembrandt The Holy Family with AngelsRembrandt Hendrickje Bathing in a RiverRembrandt The Polish Rider
my help. Keep going, and I'll find you."
"Mr. Scoresby?" said Lyra, excited and anxious. "But where—"
But Serafina was gone, speeding out of sight before Lyra could finish the question. Lyra reached automatically for the alethiometer to ask what had happened to Lee Scoresby, but she let her hand drop, because she'd promised to do no more than guide Will.
She looked across to himnot a single green leaf grew, and where the stridulation of insects was the only sound.
They moved on, stopping only for sips of water from their goatskin flasks, and talking little. Pantalaimon flew above Lyra's head for a while until he tired of that, and then he became a little sure-footed mountain sheep, vain She clapped her hands together softly, like a child, wide-eyed. Lena Feldt, whimpering, heard her go on: "Of course. Asriel will make war on the Authority, and then… Of course, of course. As before, so again. And Lyra is Eve. And this time

Thursday 12 February 2009

Rene Magritte Personal Values

Rene Magritte Personal ValuesRene Magritte Dangerous LiaisonsFranz Marc Turm der blauen Pferde
will be when we join them. Ah, I long for my arrows to kill those fiends from Bolvangar, and every Bolvangar in every world! Sister, why do they do it? In every world, the agents of the Authority are sacrificing children to their cruel god! Why? Why?"
"They are afraid ofgrow."
"He's strange," said Ruta Skadi. "He is the same kind as Lord Asriel. Have you looked into his eyes?"
"To tell the truth," said Serafina Pekkala, "I haven't dared."
The two queens sat quietly by the stream. Time went past; stars set, and other stars rose; a little cry came from the sleepers, but it was only Lyra dreaming Dust," said Serafina Pekkala, "though what that is, I don't know.""And this boy you've found. Who is he? What world does he come from?"Serafina Pekkala told her all she knew about Will. "I don't know why he's important," she finished, "but we serve Lyra. And her instrument tells her that that is her task. And, sister, we tried to heal his wound, but we failed. We tried the holding spell, but it didn't work. Maybe the herbs in this world are less potent than ours. It's too hot here for bloodmoss to

Wednesday 11 February 2009

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs Andrews

Thomas Gainsborough Mr and Mrs AndrewsSandro Botticelli La PrimaveraSalvador Dali clock melting clocks
Here's the flip side: in biology, things eventually die, but there's no good explanation for it. There are hints that switching genes on and off controls ageing, but if our theory is right, those switches shouldn't have survived natural might have fathered 10 children, but he couldn't understand why almost everything in biology uses sexual reproduction rather than asexual cloning - sex is a highly inefficient way to reproduce. We still don't know the answer. The suggestion that sex's gene shuffling makes us more able to deal with changing environments seems plausible, but the evidence is scarce. At the moment, sex only seems to exist to give males some role in life.
5 Free willselection. Then there's the argument that an accumulation of faults does us in. However, there are plenty of whales and turtles who seem to age ridiculously slowly - if at all. Of course, if we can work out why, that could be great news for future humans (if not for the planet).4 SexCharles Darwin

Friday 6 February 2009

Albert Moore Dreamers

Albert Moore DreamersAlbert Moore A VenusAlbert Moore A Musician
Here's the flip side: in biology, things eventually die, but there's no good explanation for it. There are hints that switching genes on and off controls ageing, but if our theory is right, those switches shouldn't have survived natural selection. rather than asexual cloning - sex is a highly inefficient way to reproduce. We still don't know the answer. The suggestion that sex's gene shuffling makes us more able to deal with changing environments seems plausible, but the evidence is scarce. At the moment, sex only seems to exist to give males some role in
5 Free willThen there's the argument that an accumulation of faults does us in. However, there are plenty of whales and turtles who seem to age ridiculously slowly - if at all. Of course, if we can work out why, that could be great news for future humans (if not for the planet).4 SexCharles Darwin might have fathered 10 children, but he couldn't understand why almost everything in biology uses sexual reproduction

Thursday 5 February 2009

Leroy Neiman Lion's Pride

Leroy Neiman Lion's PrideLeroy Neiman Lady SkierLeroy Neiman La Grand Cuisine
surrounded her, five huge forms glowing in the dark air, lit by an invisible sun.
She looked around, sitting on her pine branch proud and unafraid, though her heart was beating with the strangeness of it, and her daemon fluttered to sit close to the warmth of her body.
Each angel-being was distinctly an individual, and yet they had more in common with one another than with any human she had seen. What they shared was a shimmering, darting play of intelligence and feeling that seemed to sweep over them all simultaneously. They were naked, but she felt naked in front of their glance, it was so piercing"Because we are willing to," came the reply.
"Then wherever he is, you can guide me to him as well," she ordered them.
Ruta Skadi was four hundred and sixteen years old, with all the pride and and went so deep.Still, she was unashamed of what she was, and she returned their gaze with head held high."So you are angels," she said, "or Watchers, or bene elim. Where are you going?""We are following a call," said one.She was not sure which one had spoken. It might have been any or all of them at once."Whose call?" she said."A man's.""Lord Asriel's?""It may be.""Why are you following his call?"

Wednesday 4 February 2009

Leroy Neiman Super Play

Leroy Neiman Super PlayLeroy Neiman Sun ServeLeroy Neiman Sudden Death
And if I'm with you, I can show you how to cross roads without getting killed."
"All right," she said humbly.
"And money. I bet you haven't—well, how could you have any money? How are you going to get around and eat and so on?"Her leg was going to be painful; already it was red and swollen where the car had struck it, and a dark, massive bruise was forming. What with the bruise on her cheek where he'd struck her the night before, she looked as if she'd been badly treated, and that worried "I have got money," she said, and shook some gold coins out of her purse.Will looked at them incredulously."Is that gold? It is, isn't it? Well, that would get people asking questions, and no mistake. You're just not safe. I'll give you some money. Put those coins away and keep them out of sight. And remember—you're my sister, and your name's Lisa Ransom.""Lizzie. I pretended to call myself Lizzie before. I can remember that.""All right, Lizzie then. And I'm Mark. Don't forget.""All right," she said peaceably.

Tuesday 3 February 2009

Edward Hopper Soir Bleu

Edward Hopper Soir BleuEdward Hopper Corn Hill Truro Cape CodEdward Hopper Cape Cod Morning
fissure eruption on the slopes of Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii. Similar, but much larger, eruptions may have killed the dinosaurs.Massive volcanic eruptions: An alternate theory for the low, flat, featureless Martian northern hemisphere is that huge lava flows simply erased any previous features.things so much that Europeans called 1816 "the year without a summer" — it snowed in June, and summer frosts killed crops across the Northern Hemisphere.
Moving up the scale, the Mount Toba supervolcanic eruption in Sumatra 75,000 years ago may have cooled the planet enough to force the early human population through a genetic "bottleneck" as most people died, leaving the few survivors to repopulate the world.
Similarly, there's good evidence that the dinosaurs back on Earth were killed not by an asteroid, but instead, or additionally, by enormous eruptions in what now is India.
Even moderate eruptions, which kick up huge amounts of soot and dust, blocking sunlight, can have climatic effects. The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines significantly cooled the planet in 1991-92, as did Indonesia's Krakatoa in 1883.
More effective was Mount Tambora on the other end of Java in 1815, which

Monday 2 February 2009

John Constable The White Horse

John Constable The White HorseJohn Constable The Hay WainJohn Constable Salisbury Cathedral
angel how to feel for the edges of the window, just as Giacomo Paradisi had shown him, sensing them at his fingers' ends and pinching them together. Little by little the window closed, and the factory alethiometer?" said Will. "Does it take a whole lifetime to learn?"
"It takes long practice, yes. You have to work. Did you think you could snap your fingers, and have it as a gift? What that angels don't know the way to do this," Will said.
"The knife was a human invention."
"And you're going to close them all except one," Will said. "All except the one from the world of the dead."
"Yes, that is a promise. But it is conditional, and you know the condition."
"Yes, we do. Are there Lyra just as helpless in his arms. But as the wave expended its force and the waters withdrew, the bleak rocks remained; there was no arguing with fate; neither his despair nor Lyra's had moved them a single inch.
How long his rage lasted,