Monday, 23 February 2009

Rene Magritte Homesickness

Rene Magritte HomesicknessArthur Hughes PhyllisFranz Marc Zwei KatzenFranz Marc yellow cow
Spend some quality time on your own and reflect on your goals in all areas of your life – short, medium and long term. Write these down – you increase your chances of materialising them, once written down. Be very specific, take regular action. Start today and if possible, start right away. Take that first step – you will immediately generate a lot of enthusiasm & confidence in this and other areas of your life. Do not wait around to be inspired – just get on with doing thinand as descriptive as you can.2. Write down your three main gols in big bold letters and hang up next to your bedside, in the kitchen, by your pc, etc. Having them visible like this keeps in the forefront of your mind exactly what you need to achieve by when, and what you must do to make it happen.3. Identify quickly the key steps in the first three months of 2009 to move you towards your goals. Make the steps realistic for the time frame, but ones that stretch you at the same time. Track your progress on a regular basis, maybe on a daily, weekly or monthly basis.4. Create an action plan and gs, even if it is a small step and that will lead to further steps.

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