Friday, 6 February 2009

Albert Moore Dreamers

Albert Moore DreamersAlbert Moore A VenusAlbert Moore A Musician
Here's the flip side: in biology, things eventually die, but there's no good explanation for it. There are hints that switching genes on and off controls ageing, but if our theory is right, those switches shouldn't have survived natural selection. rather than asexual cloning - sex is a highly inefficient way to reproduce. We still don't know the answer. The suggestion that sex's gene shuffling makes us more able to deal with changing environments seems plausible, but the evidence is scarce. At the moment, sex only seems to exist to give males some role in
5 Free willThen there's the argument that an accumulation of faults does us in. However, there are plenty of whales and turtles who seem to age ridiculously slowly - if at all. Of course, if we can work out why, that could be great news for future humans (if not for the planet).4 SexCharles Darwin might have fathered 10 children, but he couldn't understand why almost everything in biology uses sexual reproduction

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