Friday 13 March 2009

George Bellows Fog Rainbow

George Bellows Fog RainbowGeorge Bellows Both Members of This ClubGeorge Bellows Anne in White
'And now I'm going to the pub,' snapped Albert. 'Do they sell any halfway decent cat's piss anywhere these days?'
There's the Drum, sir,' said Rincewind.
'The Broken. Half an hour, mind. And if they're not waiting for me when I come back, then well, they'd just better be!'
He stormed out of the hall in a cloud of marble dust.
Rincewind watched him go. The librarian held his hand.
'You know the worst of it?' said Rincewind.
'I don't even remember walking under a mirror.'
Drum? In Filigree Street? Still there?''Well, they change the name sometimes and rebuild it completely but the site has been, er, on the site for years. I expect you're pretty dry, eh, sir?' Rincewind said, with an air of ghastly camaraderie.'What would you know about it?' said Albert sharply.'Absolutely nothing, sir,' said Rincewind promptly.'I'm going to the Drum, then
At about the time Albert was in The Mended Drum arguing with the landlord

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