Sunday 15 March 2009

Amedeo Modigliani Caryatid 1

Amedeo Modigliani Caryatid 1Alphonse Maria Mucha WinterAlphonse Maria Mucha Morning StarAlphonse Maria Mucha Monaco Monte CarloAlphonse Maria Mucha Medee
was so small, only forty miles long and maybe ten miles wide, and nearly all of it was cruel mountains with ice-green slopes and knife-edge crests, or dense huddled forests. A kingdom like that shouldn't be any trouble.
What he Back down on the plains, if you kicked people they kicked back. Up here, when you kicked people they moved away and just waited patiently for your leg to fall off. How could a king go down in history ruling a people like that? You couldn't oppress them any more than you could oppress a mattress.couldn't quite fathom was this feeling that it had depth. It seemed to contain far too much geography.He rose and paced the floor to the balcony, with its unrivalled view of trees. It struck him that the trees were also looking back at him.He could feel the resentment. But that was odd, because the people themselves hadn't objected. They didn't seem to object to anything very much. Verence had been popular enough, in his way. There'd been quite a turnout for the funeral; he recalled the lines of solemn faces. Not stupid faces. By no means stupid. Just preoccupied, as though what kings did wasn't really very important.He found that almost as annoying as trees. A jolly good riot, now, that would have been more – more appropriate. One could have ridden out and hanged people, there would have been the creative tension so essential to the proper development of the state.

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