Tuesday 14 October 2008

Marc Chagall Paris Through the Window painting

Marc Chagall Paris Through the Window paintingMarc Chagall Lovers in the Moonlight paintingMarc Chagall Adam and Eve painting
extravagances of an Oriental courtesan. Octavia should have taken a leaf from Cleopatra's book: for the Egyptian, though Octavia's inferior in looks and her senior by eight or nine years, knew well how to feed his sensual appetite. "Men such as Antony, real men, prefer the strange to the wholesome," Livia finished sententiously. *They find maggoty green cheese more tasty than freshly pressed curds."
"Keep your maggots to yourself' Octavia flared at her.
Livia herself dressed very richly and used the most expensive Asiatic perfumes; but she did not allow the least extravagance in her household, which she made a boast of running in old-fashioned Roman style. Her rules were plain but plentiful food, regular family worship, no hot baths after meals, constant work for everyone, and no

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