Thursday, 9 October 2008

Claude Monet The Seine At Argenteuil painting

Claude Monet The Seine At Argenteuil paintingClaude Monet The Picnic paintingClaude Monet Sunset painting
Can’t get around that,” Joel said. “Hannah was saying that everything of any importance leaves the body then. I certainly have to agree with that.”
“And that even whether you believe or not in life after death,” Mary said, “in the soul, as a living, immortal thing, creature, why it’s certainly very believable that for a little while afterwards, this force, this life, stays on. Hovers around.”
“Sounds highly unlikely to me, but I suppose it’s conceivable.”
“Like looking at a light and then shutting your eyes. No, not like that but—but it does stay on. Specially when it’s someone very strong, very vital, who hasn’t been worn down by old age, or a long illness or something.”
“That’s exactly it,” Andrew said. “Something that comes out whole, because it’s so quick.”
“Why they’re as old as the hills, those old beliefs.”
“I should imagine they’re as old as and death,” Andrew said.
“The thing I mean is, they aren’t taken straight to God,” Hannah said. “They’ve had such violence done them, such a shock, it takes a while to get their wits together

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