Saturday 27 September 2008

Caravaggio paintings

Caravaggio paintings
Claude Lorrain paintings
Claude Monet paintings
Don’t pretend to be deaf. You know perfectly well who I mean. You met him here the other evening only I don’t think you really took him in.”
“Albright,” said Basil. It was evidence of the beneficial effect of the sanatorium that he did not turn purple in the face, did not gobble. He merely asked quietly: “Have you been to bed with this man?”
“Not to bed.”
“Have you slept with him?”
“Oh, no sleep.”
“You know what I mean. Have you had sexual intercourse with him?”
“Well, perhaps; not in bed; on the floor and wide awake you might call it intercourse, I suppose.”
“Come clean, Babs. Are you a virgin?”
“It’s not a thing any girl likes having said about her, but I think I am.”
“Well, I suppose so. Yes, really. But we can soon change all that

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