Friday 10 April 2009

George Frederick Watts Orpheus and Eurydice

George Frederick Watts Orpheus and EurydiceGeorge Frederick Watts Orpheus and Eurydice detailUnknown Artist The SunFlowers
great­grandmother gave it to him for this one. The family kept it in the vault as a sort of memorial to her. A truly stupid woman. It doesn't work, of course.'
'You tried it?'
'No, but he wouldn't have given it away if it was any good, would he?'
'Give it a rub,' said Conina. 'It can't do any harm.'
'I wouldn't,' warned Creosote.
Nijel held the lamp gingerly. It had a strangely sleek look, as if someone had set out to make a lamp that could go medallion, shiny shorts and advanced running shoes with curly toes.
It said, 'I want to get this absolutely straight. Where am I?'
Conina recovered first.
'It's a beach,' she said.He rubbed it.The effects were curiously unimpressive. There was a half-hearted pop and a puff of wispy smoke near Nijel's feet. A line appeared in the beach several feet away from the smoke. It spread quickly to outline a square of sand, which vanished.A figure barrelled out of the beach, jerked to a stop, and groaned.It was wearing a turban, an expensive tan, a small
'Yah,' said the genie. 'What I mean was, which lamp? What world?'
'Don't you know?'

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