Sunday 26 April 2009

George Bellows Dempsey and Firpo

George Bellows Dempsey and FirpoCaravaggio The Sacrifice of IsaacCaravaggio The Musicians
Oh, no!' Carrot laughed. 'That'd be silly, wouldn't it? No, if you see anything like that, you just ring your bell as hard as you like.'the armourer and told him to beat it out really well here and here, and no helmet in the world would cover all that mass of ash-blond hair but, it occurred to Carrot, Constable Angua wouldn't need any of that stuff really. People would be queuing up to get arrested.
'So what do we do now?' she said.
'Proceed back tp the Watch House, I suppose,' said Carrot. 'Sergeant Colon'll be reading out the evening report, I expect'What happens then?''Sergeant Colon and Nobby and the rest of 'em will come running along just as soon as they can.'Lance-Constable Angua scanned the hazy horizon.She smiled.Carrot blushed.Constable Angua had mastered saluting first go. She wouldn't have a full uniform yet, not until someone had taken a, well, let's face it, a breastplate along to old Remitt

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