Monday 23 March 2009

Georges Seurat Le Chahut

Georges Seurat Le ChahutWilliam Blake NebuchadnezzarWilliam Blake Jacob's LadderVincent van Gogh The Olive TreesVincent van Gogh Fishing in Spring
nearest crocodile. The mere thought filled him with forbidden delight.
'Brethren!' he cried.
'Excuse Er.'
What next? What, when you got right down to it, was he going to tell them to do? And then he thought: it doesn't matter. Provided I sound confident enough. Old Dios always drove them, he never tried to lead them. Without him they're wandering around like sheep. me,' said the priestess of Sarduk. 'And sistren-' 'Thank you.' '-let us rejoice!' The assembled priests stood in total silence. This was a radical approach which had not hitherto occurred to them. And Koomi looked at their upturned faces and felt a thrill the like of which he had never experienced before. They were frightened out of their wits, and they were expecting him - him - to tell them what to do. 'Yea!' he said. 'And, indeed, verily, the hour of the gods-' '-and goddesses-' '-yes, and goddesses, is at hand.

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