Thursday 6 November 2008

Salvador Dali Figure on the Rocks painting

Salvador Dali Figure on the Rocks paintingSalvador Dali Dali Nude in Contemplation Before the Five Regular Bodies paintingSalvador Dali Asummpta Corpuscularia Lapislazulina painting
chosen the kingdom of God."
Then she wept, knowing that he was speaking of his death; whereupon his eyes moved past her, and seemed to fix upon another figure in the room, even though when she, Ayesha, turned to look she saw only a lamp there, burning upon its stand:
"Who's there?" he called out. "Is it Thou, Azraeel?"
But Ayesha heard a terrible, sweet voice, that was a woman's, make reply: "No, Messenger of Al--Lah, it is not Azraeel."
And the lamp blew out; and in the darkness Mahound asked: "Is this sickness then thy doing, O Al--Lat?"
And she said: "It is my revenge upon you, and I am satisfied. Let them cut a camel's hamstrings and set it on your grave."
Then she went, and the lamp that had been snuffed out burst once more into a great and gentle light, and the Messenger murmured

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