Sunday 2 November 2008

Edward Hopper Dauphinee House painting

Edward Hopper Dauphinee House paintingEdward Hopper Conference at Night paintingEdward Hopper City Sunlight painting
Inner voices," Hanif said solemnly. "Upstairs on his desk there's a piece of paper with some verses written on it. And a title: _The River of Blood_."
Jumpy jumped, knocking over his empty cup. "I'll kill you," he shouted at Hanif, who skipped quickly across the ferrety Enoch Powell had said, _I seem to see the river Tiber foaming with much blood_. Reclaim the metaphor, Jumpy Joshi had told himself. Turn it; make it a thing we can use. "This is like rape," he pleaded with Hanif. "For God's sake, stop." "Voices that one hears are outside, but," the café proprietor was the room, singing out, "We got a poet in our midst, Sufyan Sahib. Treat with respect. Handle with care. He says a street is a river and we are the flow; humanity is a river of blood, that's the poet's point. Also the individual human being," he broke off to run around to the far side of an eight--seater table as Jumpy came after him, blushing furiously, flapping his arms. "In our very bodies, does the river of blood not flow?" _Like the Roman_,

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