Sunday 16 November 2008

Edvard Munch Madonna painting

Edvard Munch Madonna paintingUnknown Artist Brent Lynch Cigar Bar paintingUnknown Artist Brent Heighton After Hours painting
the way, can't y – oh, sorry, Runcorn."

   Clearly frightened, the balding wizard hurried away. Apparently the man who Harry was impersonating, Runcorn, was intimi

   "Psst!" said a voice, and he looked around to see a whispy little witch and the ferrety wizard from Magical Maintenance gesturing to him from over beside the statue. Harry hastened to join them.

"You got in all right, then?" Hermione whispered to Harry.

"No, he's still stuck in the hog," said Ron.

   "Oh, very funny … It's horrible, isn't it?" she said to Harry, who was staring up at the statue. "Have you seen what they're sitting on?"

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