Thursday 27 November 2008

Adams November Freshet

Adams November FreshetAdams Iredescence of a Shallow StreamAdams In the Whitewater ValleyAdams In Poppyland
"What are you doing with Potter, all these evenings you are closeted together?" Snape asked abruptly.

Dumbledore looked weary.

   "Why? You aren't trying to give him more detentions, Severus? The boy will soon have spent more time in detention than out."
   "It is not a question of trust. I have, as we both know, limited time. It is essential that I give the boy enough information for him to do what he needs to do." "And why may I not have the same information?"    "I prefer not to put all of my secrets in one basket, particularly
"He is his father over again – "

   "In looks, perhaps, but his deepest nature is much more like his mother's. I spend time with Harry because I have things to discuss with him, information I must give him before it is too late."

"Information," repeated Snape. "You trust him…you do not trust me."

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