Joseph Mallord William Turner Portsmouth paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner The Slave Ship paintingJoseph Mallord William Turner Rainbow painting
them, and the spoils of war heaped on carnival wagons? Augustus realized this: on Agrippa's advice, he decreed that hence-forth no general, unless a member of the Imperial family, should be awarded a public triumph. This decree, published in the year that I was born, read as though Augustus were jealous of his generals, for by that time he had finished with active campaigning himself and no members of his family were old enough to win triumphs; but all if meant was that he did not wish the boundaries of the Empire enlarged any further, and that he reckoned that his generals would not provoke the frontier tribes to commit acts of war if they could not hope to be awarded triumphs by victory over them. None the less he allowed "triumphal ornaments"-an embroidered robe, a statue, a chaplet, and so on-to be awarded to those who would otherwise have earned a triumph; this should be a sufficient incentive to any good soldier to fight a necessary
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