Monday 27 October 2008

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 painting

Henri Matisse Blue Nude I 1952 paintingCassius Marcellus Coolidge A Friend in Need paintingEdvard Munch Puberty 1894 painting
someone immediately, to keep the Germans quiet. Otherwise they'll run amok."
My two captors pushed their way. through the crowd dragging me behind them. Gratus called out, "Hey, Sergeant! Look whom we have here! A bit of luck, I think. It's old Claudius. What's wrong with old Claudius for Emperor? The best man for the job in Rome, though he do limp and stammer a bit."
Loud cheers, laughter, and cries of "Long live the Emperor Claudius!" The Sergeant apologized. "Why sir, we all thought you were dead. But you're our man, all right. Push him up, lads, where we can all see him!" Two burly corporals caught me by the legs and hoisted me on their shoulders. "Long live the Emperor Claudius!"
"Put me down," I cried furiously. "Put me down! I don't want to be Emperor. I refuse to be Emperor. Long live the Republic!"
But they only laughed. "That's a good one. He doesn't want to be Emperor, he says. Modest, eh?"

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