Thursday 25 September 2008

Jean Beraud La Rue de la Paix painting

Jean Beraud La Rue de la Paix paintingHenri Rousseau The Football Players paintingPaul Cezanne Vase with Flowers painting
Aren’t you going to say ‘Good-night’ to us?” asked Charles.
A dozen voices irregularly took up the cry. “Good-night, O’Malley ... I hope the official watch doesn’t stop in the night ... happy dreams, O’Malley.”
“Really, you know,” said Wheatley, “there’s a man still saying his prayers.”
“Stop talking.”
“Please,” said Tamplin, on his knees. He remained there for half a minute more, then rose and got into bed.
“You understand, Tamplin? You’re late.”
“Oh, but I don’t think I can be, even by your watch. I was perfectly ready when you said ‘Say your dibs.’”
“If you want to take as long as that you must start sooner.”
“But I couldn’t with all that noise going on, could I, O’Malley? All that wrangling about watches?”
“We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
“Good-night, O’Malley.”
At this moment the door opened and the house-captain in charge of the dormitory

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